June 15, 2010

A script to compile Google Closure based project

Here is my script to build Google Closure based project: << EOF

function showHelp() {
echo "
MAIN_JS_FILE - A JavaScript file to compile.
MODE - If set to \"debug\" will omit compilation step and produce human readable script. This mode will not perform any checks on your JS code

Compile in debug mode:
./compile.sh js/test.js debug

Compile with javascript checks and optimizations:
./compile.sh js/test.js

test -z "$1" && echo "MAIN_JS_FILE is required" && showHelp && exit 1;
test -f "$1" || echo "MAIN_JS_FILE is not a file" && showHelp && exit 1;

export dir=..
export compiler=$dir/compiler.jar
export closureLibraryHome=$dir/closure-library/closure
export calcdeps=$closureLibraryHome/bin/calcdeps.py
export target=./www/compiled.js

export mode="compiled"
test "$2" == "debug" && export mode="script"

echo running in $dir in $mode mode

python $calcdeps -i "$1" -p "js" -p "$closureLibraryHome" -o $mode --output_file="www/compiled.js" -c "$compiler" -f "--js_output_file" -f "$target" -f "--compilation_level" -f "ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS" -f "--warning_level" -f "VERBOSE"


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